
Shrink Packing Ovens

Professional Packing for your product. Easy to operate, low maintenance, Economical cost of operation.


*   High effiecncy Heaters
*   Cooling Blower
*   Simple and Efficient speed control
*   Perfect Temp.Control
*   Custom Built Shrink wrapping system avalible .


Extended tunnel infeed/outfeed
*   Pressure Rollers above extened tunnel outfeed.
*   Teflon netting belt conveyor.
*   Adjustable Clearance in height.

Technical Specification :

Shrink Packing Ovens

Tunnel Lenght 1500 mm 1500   mm 2500 mm
Window Width 350   mm 4000   mm 600   mm
Height 200   mm 250     mm 350   mm
Conveyor Width 350   mm 400     mm 600   mm
Pack Size 200 x 350 200 x 350 200 x 350
Speed of Conveyor Fixed/Variable Fixed/Variable Fixed/Variable
0 to 5 m/min 0 to 5 m/min 0 to 5 m/min
Heater Finned Tabular Finned Tabular Finned Tabular
Temp. upto 300°c upto 300°c upto 300°c
Temp.Controller Thermostatic Thermostatic Thermostatic
Power Load 7 kw 3ph 10 kw 3ph 13 kw 3ph
Tunnel Window covering Teflon with Asbestos Cloth Teflon with Asbestos Cloth Teflon with Asbestos Cloth
Body M.S Fabricated M.S Fabricated M.S Fabricated
Overall                  L 2200  mm 2200   mm 2200   mm
Dimensions           W 550    mm 600     mm 800     mm
Approp                 B   1050  mm 1050   mm 1050   mm

Techincal Data
Lenght 920 - 1120   mm
Tunnel  Width 450   mm
             Height 280   mm
Speed Fixed
Load 8  kw
Voltage 440 v/ 3 Phase
Size 191 x 82 x 158  cm

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